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JACOB, Peter
JACOBSEN, Jacob Peter
AYER, Jacob Peter
AYEL, Jacob Peter
WEXLER, Peter Jacob
Author: JACOB (Peter)
OFPocr , JACOB (Peter). Dis Bi.siko cler Witwenachaft in der Geschichte das deutschen aratenrechts bia 1933: em Beitrag zur Gcsehichte sozinlen’Sicherung der nichtberufsttigen, etc. [Thesis: University of Sasriarici.] (Ann1es Univeraitatis Saraviensis. Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissensc ft1iche Abtei1ur. Schriftenree1 b3.) pp. xvi, 19i3. Bibl. Co1oie, 1971.
Card ID: 274
Author: JACOBSEN (Jacob Peter)
‘31 LIL JACOBSEN (Jacob Peter). Temperature and salinity at the surface of the North Sea and the English Channel, fl. Copenhagen, 1934. See CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL POUR L’ EXPLORATION DE LA HER.
Card ID: 451
Author: AYER (Jacob Peter)
1 1AYER (Jacob Peter). Political thought in France from Siey to Sorel. [With a biblIography.] pp. 148 8°. London, 1943. rJ ____— (Revised edition.) Political thought in France from the Revolution to the Fourth Republic. (InernUni Ubrar of S iologd iai ..Reqnstruc tion) pp. x. + 142. 8°. Londøi, 1949.
Card ID: 96
Author: AYEL (Jacob Peter)
rc }4AYEL (Jacob Peter). C • Prophet of the mass age: a studyof Alexis de Tocquevii.le...Translated by JLM.Bozman and C.Hahn, (With a bib1ioraphy.) pp. xvi. + 198. Portraits an&j1tes. ‘. iondon., 1939.
Card ID: 97
Author: WEXLER (Peter Jacob)
WEXLER (Peter Jacob). • La Formation du vocabulaire des chemins de rer en France 1778—18)+2, With a bib1iograpby.. (Sociét4 de Publications Romaz”ms et Françaises, kf8.) pp. 159. 8°. Ueneva and Lille, 1955.
Card ID: 532