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JACKSON Laura a:c “|k:c(c) (5)
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JACKSON, Laura and GAVkS, Robert Ranke
Author: JACKSON ((Laura)
LI1Iã( S L 3 W 1’e -‘93o’J ‘S •1 RIDING, afterwards JACKSON ((Laura). Pour unposted letters to Catherine. (Covers by L.Lye.) pp. 50. 40• Hours Press: Paris, [1930J. No. 8 of 200 oopies signed by the author. S.L.C., III. 295.
Card ID: 146
Author: JACKSON (Laura)
TilIDING, afterwards JACKSON (Laura) Poet: a lying word. Ipoems.] pp. vii. + 149. 8°. London, 19)3.
Card ID: 149
I 1J i-_,_ RIDING, afterwards JACKSON (Laura). ?rogress of stories, pp. 339. 8°. Dev, iorca, arid London, 1935.
Card ID: 150
RIDING, afterwards JACKSON (Laura). The World and ourselves. (Epilogue, 4.) pp. xi. +59 8°. I.ondon, 1938. C) w
Card ID: 154
Author: JACKSON (Laura) and GAVkS (Robert Ranke)
RIDING, afterwards JACKSON (Laura) and GAVkS (Robert Ranke). A Survey of modernist poetry. pp. 29& 8. London, 1927. STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY L] . [2s_ L -— [Anoiher copy.)
Card ID: 151