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JACK, Richard
AN, Richard Broke and GAUTREY, Peter Jack
Author: JACK (Richard)
‘b’ JACK (Richard), cher of Mathematics. Mathematical principles of theology; or, the Existence of God geometrically demonstrated, pp. xxvi. + 328. [SiLL.] 8°. London l7+7.
Card ID: 110
L6 JACK (Richard), Teacher of iiathematics. EUCLID. [Data.— Eniz1j.] Euclid’s Data, restored to their true and genuine order. Agreeable to Pappus Alexandrinus’s account of them, in his preface to the seventh book of his Mathematical collections, By R. Jack. London. i756.
Card ID: 111
Author: AN (Richard Broke) and GAUTREY (Peter Jack)
PR [aN - British Museum) flEEU4AN (Richard Broke) and GAUTREY (Peter Jack). Charles Darwin’s ‘Queries about expression’. [A facsimile, with an essay) by Richard Broke Freeman and Peter Jack Gautrey. London, 1972. See LONDON. [III,) British Museum. Natural History Departments. Thület±n of the British Museum 4iaturai History). Historical, series, 1, iii.
Card ID: 527