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IXTON, Patriok Alfred
Author: IXTON (Patriok Alfred)
EPOS\ThLZ7’ I3tIXTON (Patriok Alfred). SaroophwIde. 3e LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions Societies, etc.) British Miseum. Deptmentof Zoology. [Arthropo&a.] lnseot,3 of Samoa id other Sàbbi -- terrestrial arthropcda. Part VI. 1ac. 3. p. 141 — 150. l92.
Card ID: 441
1) (1Th\)/ 3tIXTON (Patriok Alfred). Siphonaptera. See LONDON. [III. Mise1laieous InBtitutions, Societies, etc.) British 1Iusetma. Dpartment3YZooi. LAxthropoda.J rnseots of samoa, and other Samoan terrestria) arthropoda. Part VII. Faso. 2. pp. 53— 54. l92.
Card ID: 443