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ITH Edmund ith (edmund) (7)
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ITH, Edmund
ITH, Edrnimd
BR, Edmund
HUSSERL, Edmund Gustav Alhrecht
ETT, Arthur Edmund and COLDUiJ, John
No Author available
Author: ITH (Edmund)
•‘ SlvITH (Edmund), of Clirist Churc.,Qord. Phdra fld flippolitus: a tragedy...Mrked with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre—Royal in Covent—Garden. London, 1776. fi ENGLISH THEATE. The New English theatre, Vol. 2.
Card ID: 272
Author: ITH (Edrnimd)
Sb!ITH (Edrnimd) o Christ Chiirch,Oxford. The Poetiea.1 works of Edmund Sjnith...To whjh is preficed the life of the author. See AJDERS0N (F.) M.D. A Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. Vol. VI. London, 1792-180?.
Card ID: 270
Author: BR (Edmund)
3Y0 S7C 912 SPE23BR (Edmund). [Works.] The Poetical workSof Edw.und Spenser. Edited with critical notes by J.C. Smith and E.De Selincourt. 7(ith an introduction by E.De Selincourt and a glossary. (The Oxford Speneer.) pp. lxvii. + 736. Portrait and facsimiles. 8°. London 1912. ______[.A reprint] pp. lxvii. ÷. 736. R°. Londpr, 1937. 3 ‘G s7c Rcccrc’- orL’.
Card ID: 118
Author: HUSSERL (Edmund Gustav Alhrecht)
HUSSERL (Edmund Gustav Alhrecht). [Pormale und Traizznienta1e Loik. — French. J Logiqe fore11e et 1ogicue ranscendanta1e: essai a’une critique de la taion logique, etc. [Translated and v:ith notes by]S. ache].ard. (La Logiq,ue de flusserl...par S.Bachelard). [Thesis: University of Paris.] 2 vo1. 8°. Paris, 1957.
Card ID: 561
Author: ETT (Arthur Edmund) and COLDUiJ (John)
1ItJSiETT (Arthur Edmund) and COLDUiJ (John). The Diseases of the f1a:: plant ...ith a foreirord bRev. the Right Hon. . l4oore. (Publication sponsored by the Northern Ireland Flazc Deve].opment Comittee.) pp. 112. Illustrations and chart. 0 8 . Belfast, 1947. Subittedy_j. Coihoun as art of a thesis for the degree of Sc., London, 195.
Card ID: 283
Author: No Author available
STERLING LRARY !t. vj’ REFERENCE ONLY üiorks trarslated, edited or YEATS (Wil1i Butler).Ith introducations by Yeats% See SPENSER (Edmund). [Selections.) Poems of Spenser, selected and with an introduction by W.E.Yeats. Edinburgh, 11906).
Card ID: 480
c_c ,- S’ L LELS. jer stty Univ er LL1brry Pub1jatj,ns.I 3. A Cat1ogue of the Gosse correspondence in the brotherton Collection, consisting mainly of letters written to Sir Edmund Gosse in the period from 1867 to 1928. ith an introductjoui by P.Gosse. pp. xiv • + 3O. 80. Leeds, 1950.
Card ID: 155