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ISON John Benjamin a:in use|k:in (use) (1)



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    Author: ISON (John Benjamin)


    tESflO JOmISON (John Benjamin). The Theory and praotioe of modern frarnód structures, designed for the use of schools and for engineers in professional practioe. By...J.B. Johnson C.W. Bryan...?.E. Turneanre (and W,S. Kinne), etc. 3 vole. ures and folded diagrams. Bo. New Yor] and. London, 1916-26. 1. Stresses in simple structure. (Tenth edition, pertly rewritten.) 2. StatIcally indeterminate structures and eeoondary atressea. (Ninth edition, rewritten.) 3. Design. (Ninth edition.)

    Card ID: 367