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ISON John a:on john|k:0799 (5)



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    Author: ISON (John)


    LF UAR Qul HARiISON (John), Chronometer ker. QUILL (Humphrey). John Harrison: the man who found longitude. • With a foreword by Sir B. Woolley. 8°. London, [Dublin printedJ,1966.

    Card ID: 614

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    Author: ISON (Charles John)


    HP3ISON (Charles John). Executive discretion and judicial control: an aspect of the French Conseil dttat, [with a bibliography.] (The Hamlyn Lectures. Sixth series.) pp. x. + 222. 8°. 1954.

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: ISON (John Benjamin)


    tESflO JOmISON (John Benjamin). The Theory and praotioe of modern frarnód structures, designed for the use of schools and for engineers in professional practioe. By...J.B. Johnson C.W. Bryan...?.E. Turneanre (and W,S. Kinne), etc. 3 vole. ures and folded diagrams. Bo. New Yor] and. London, 1916-26. 1. Stresses in simple structure. (Tenth edition, pertly rewritten.) 2. StatIcally indeterminate structures and eeoondary atressea. (Ninth edition, rewritten.) 3. Design. (Ninth edition.)

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: ISON (John Lyle)


    MOR ISON (John Lyle). British supremacy and. Cana&ian autonomy. Eingston, 1913. see XINO3N (OZARXO). Queen.s University. Bulletin of the Departments of History end. Political anti conornic Science, etc. No.9.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: ISON (John Richard)


    j-(ct rWILICItISON (John Richard). See HARNACK (Adolf von). The Origin of the New Testament and the most important consequences of the new creation...Translated by J.R. Wilkinson. London, 1925.

    Card ID: 460