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ISLE Peter is (peter) (6)
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ISLE, Peter
ROACH, John Peter Charles
No Author available
Author: ISLE (Peter)
DEPOSITORY ISLE (Peter). See JENSEN (Johannes V.) Udvalgte Prosastykker. Med Indlening og Oplysninger ved M. Borup og P. I1se. Udgivet af Dansk1rerfore— ningen. Coperthagen, 191+0.
Card ID: 153
Author: HEYLYN (Peter)
oC HEYLYN (Peter). A Help to iglish history, containing a succession of all the kings of England, the &iglish Saxons, and the Britaines, the kings and princes of Wales, the kings end lords of Man, the Isle of Wight, as also of all the dukes, marquesses, earls and bishops thereof, with the description of the places from whence they had their titles, together with the names, and ranks of the viscounts, barons and baronets of England. By P.iieylyn and since his death continued to this present year, 1671, with tie coats of arms of the nobility, blazon’d. pp. (2) + 6 + 57 for rather 567] + (i). [S.R. f SEE NEXT CAFD.]
Card ID: 480
Author: ROACH (John Peter Charles)
,3f”1U VL ROACH (John Peter Charles). Pfa4nce. &l/ A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. Edited by J.P.C.Roach. Vol. 3. London, 1959. See VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE CCUNTIE3 c ENGLAJD. Canibridgesbire wad the Isle of Ely. Edited by L.F.Saizman (R.B.Pugh, JP.C.Roach).
Card ID: 157
Author: No Author available
- gacLo. TSCHUDIN (Peter Friedrich). Isle in Earn, etc. [Summary of a thesis: University of Basle.] pp.59. Plates. g0 Aarau, 1962.
Card ID: 491
PR(S—Freshwater] 1J17J.ND (Peter Sali3bury). A Eby to tho freshwater fishes o tJe 3ritisJ Isle, with notes cm their distribution and ecology. jp • 139. I.’1te, illus • and raps. Mihlcsidc, 1972. In AM[3LESIDE. eshwtei’ Biological Association Scientific papers, 7.
Card ID: 357
A8ERDE1N. University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen University studies. DITOP 139. PORTER (Ian A.) Alexander Gordon, M.D. of Aberdeen, 1752—1799. 1958. 140 • STEIN. (Peter-J Fault in the formation of contract in Roman law and Scots law. 1958. 141. O’DELL (Andrew C.). St. Ninian’s Isle treasure: a silver hoard discovered’. on St. Ninian’s Isle, Zetland...Notes by A.C.O’.Dell. Photographs by A.Cain. [1960} [SEE NEXT CAR])]
Card ID: 311