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IS Morley a:an edward fitzgerald|k:fitzgerald (edward) (90)



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    Author: IS (Morley)


    ‘(N ic ADAIvIS (Morley). Omar’s interpreter: a new life of Edward Fitzgerald...With an essay on the letters by Canon Ainger. Third and chper edition. pp. 174. Portraits and plates. 8°. London, 1911.

    Card ID: 260

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    Author: ADAMS (Morley)


    I’G Ada ADAMS (Morley). In the footsteps of Borrow & Fitzera1d. (An East Ang1ia pi1griznae.) pp. 262. Ports. and plates. London, [l9l4.].

    Card ID: 259

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    Author: MORLEY (Andrew)


    I’ TKT MORLEY (Andrew). See BAGLEE (Christopher) and M(XLEY (Andrew). Street jeweilery: a history of erwmel advertising siw’ S. [London), 1978.

    Card ID: 393

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    Author: MORLEY (Claude)


    MORLEY (Claude). A Revision of the ichneionidae based on the collection in the British Museuit. London, 1912—15. 5ee LONDON [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.J British Mue. Department Zoolo. L Arthropoda.J

    Card ID: 410

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    Author: MORLEY (Felix)


    MORLEY (Felix). The Power in the people. [With a bibliography. pp. xv. + (3) + 295. 0 8. çw York, 1949, I

    Card ID: 426

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    Author: MORLEY (George)


    SRT tft-r MORLEY (George), successively Bishop of Worcester and of Winchester. Several treatises written upon several occasions...both before and after the King’s Restauration, wherein his judgment is fully made known concerning the Church of Rome and most of those doctrines which are controverted betwixt her and the Church of England. 9 parts in 1 vol. 4. London, 1683. There is a separate titlepage to each part.

    Card ID: 440

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    Author: MORLEY (Henry)


    3L Mor MORLEY (Henry), Professor of Thglish Literte at University College, London. Burlesque plays and. poems...With an introduction by H.Morley. (Morley’s Universal Library.) pp; 320. 80. London and New York, 1885.

    Card ID: 442

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    Author: MORLEY (Henry)


    MORLEY (Henry), professor of English literature at Universit.y College, London. A First sketch of English iiterature...Third edit,io. pp. vIfl. + 94. 8°. London, [. 1877]. OON OCI.TV _J. CAnother edition.J p5. viii. + 1104, 8°. Lonaoi, 1896.

    Card ID: 449

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    Author: MORLEY (Henry)


    1c( 57 MORLEY (Henry), rrofoQ ol’ EngliBh Literature at University Co1e, London. The Kirg and the Commons: cavalier and purItan songs. Selected and arranged by i.I%ior1ey. Second edition. pp. lii. + 198 + (2). Facsimile. 16°. London, 1869.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: MORLEY (Henry)


    MORLEY (Henry), Protcsor of English Literature at UnivérityCoJ.1ee, LozIo. he I,U’e ot Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Tettesheim, doctor and knight cozmnonly known as a magician. 2 vols. S.R.) 0 - 8 . London, lb,G.

    Card ID: 452

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    Author: MORLEY (Uenry)


    MORLEY (Uenry), Profsor of English T1iteratui’e at University College, London. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair...A new edition, wjth....j1]ustratjons. pp. i. + 404. 0 8 . London, i88o. Fourth edition. Books and Papers by ‘ Henry Uorley, 185o—17O. III.) pp. xxviii. + 404. Illustrations. 0 8 . Loncn, 1892. [Another copy.) fIL P. L. 3

    Card ID: 455

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    Author: MORLEY (Henry)


    P MORLEY (Henry), Professor of English Literature at Unive±’sity Collegp,I1ondon. Palissy the potter: the life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labours and discoveries in art and scienôe, with en outline of his philosophical doctrines and a translation of illustrative selections from his works. 2 vole. [s. I.] London, 1852.

    Card ID: 458