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IS Leonard Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (8)
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IS, Leonard Arthur
L, Harry Arthur Leonard
LEONARD, Arthur Glyn
JS, Leonard Arthur
MAGNUS, Leonard Arthur
ERY, Leonard Arthur
LOEB, Leonard Benedict and ADAMS, Arthur Stanton
Author: IS (Leonard Arthur)
MACNtIS (Leonard Arthur). See LUNJjC IARSI (A. V.) Three plays...Translated by I. A. lAagn’us and. K. Walter, with an introduction, j. London and New York, l923.]
Card ID: 533
Author: L (Harry Arthur Leonard)
t’TJI1 Dre HOWElL (Harry Arthur Leonard) See DREW (Sir Robert). Commissioned officers In the ntdical services of the Britisi Arnw, i660-i960, etc. VOl. 1. (Roil of conuaissioned off iceriTn the dica1 service of the British Ariqy. • .20 June 2.727 to 23 June 1898..Edited by H.A.L.Mowefl. [Reprint of the edition of 1917.J) 6. London, 1968.
Card ID: 154
Author: LEONARD (Arthur Glyn)
OiJVu LEO Leonard (Arthur Glyn). How we made Rhodesia. . . Second edition. pp. 356. London, 1896.
Card ID: 278
Author: JS (Leonard Arthur)
osrro MAGN1JS (Leonard Arthur). Roumania’s ca’se & ideals. [With a short bibliography.] pp. xiii. + 165. Folded map. 0 8 . and New York, 1917.
Card ID: 529
Author: MAGNUS (Leonard Arthur)
MAGNUS (Leonard Arthur). flusian folk—tales. Translated from the Russian. [of Athanas’ov], with introduction and notes, by L.A. Magnus. pp. xv. + 350. 8°. London arid Nwpjc, 191 6
Card ID: 530
XBJJ 125 915 MAGNUS (Leonard Arthur). See IGOR SVYAIOSLPLVICR, Prince. tRussian and Enc1jsh.J The Tale of the armsnent of Igor, A.D. 1185, a Ruasieia hiatorical epic. Edited and translated by L.A.Z4agnus. With revised Russian tect., translation, notes, introduction end glossary. 8°. London, 1915.
Card ID: 531
Author: ERY (Leonard Arthur)
3d ?tERY (Leonard Arthur). Some famous medical trials4 pp. x. + 326. 8°. London, 1927.
Card ID: 310
Author: LOEB (Leonard Benedict) and ADAMS (Arthur Stanton)
L ‘e LOEB (Leonard Benedict) and ADAMS (Arthur Stanton). The Development of physical thought: a survey course of modern physics. [With a bibliography.1 pp. xiv. ÷ 648. fljustrations, diagrams, charts and tables. 80. Nw York and Lodo, 1933.
Card ID: 369