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IP dward a:l q|k:l (q) (1)



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    Author: IP (dward)


    , PHILtIP (dward), Lton’8 nephew. A Treatise on the way and tanner of forming the derivatives of the Lat,in .ongue. Tith a... discoiarse of Oomposies and de—ciposites... By L P[hillips] de Lond. pp.(8)+43. [Q.(.L.J 8°. London, 1685. The Utlepae a, a fly-Leaf bearing the licence o( Sir Roger L’8strange are clpLicateci In this copy. Round in a uoZtme with GWP!R: “Cursory rerars on 1r. Narburton’s new edition of ‘ir. Po.e’s ors.

    Card ID: 534