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IOTTQ Ylilhiarn (1)



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    Author: IOTTQ (Ylilhiarn)


    i’IOTTQ (Ylilhiarn), Vlottofl’ s short1 v:Lew of’ G. Hiokes’s grairnatico— crItical and aroheoloioal breasury of’ the ancient northern languagcs, wit,h...notes by a lover of t,he ancient northern literature, and an appendix to the note...Tras1ated into English from the Latin original, by M. Sholton...To which is added by the same translator other. 4tes. . [and] a short appendix...The second edition, with ernendatlons and 1are additions....prefaoe and...i.ndex by the sarn translator. pp. (16) ÷ xv. ÷ (6) ÷ 206 -r. (10). pnile. [L.I.) 4° Lndon. 1737.

    Card ID: 242