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INS Sir Charles Henry in (charles) (2)
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INS, Sir Charles Henry
SPELMAN, Sir Henry
Author: INS (Sir Charles Henry)
• COLt,INS (Sir Charles Henry). Public admini5tration in Ceylon, etc. [With a bibliography,] pp. viii. + 162. 8°. London and New York, 1951.
Card ID: 302
Author: SPELMAN (Sir Henry)
?€‘-LL ç SPELMAN (Sir Henry). Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, in re ecciesiarum orbis Britannici.,.Opera & scrutinio Henrici. Spelman. Vol. 1. fol. R.Badger: London, 1639. Imperfect; wanting vol. 2 which was published by Charles Spelman in 164. and the leaf precding the titlepage in vol. 1 (nrobabjy. the haif—fitle). This copy beiged to Clement Spelinar the thor’ abd bèa’s his. signature on the titlepage, With some ins. notes, pobab1y Sir Henry Soelman.
Card ID: 303