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INI Aifredo and LUCA Giuseppe de a:e jean françois|k:e (or) (2)
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INI, Aifredo and LUCA, Giuseppe de
Author: INI (Aifredo) and LUCA (Giuseppe de)
SCSIAFi’INI (Aifredo) And Luca (Giuseppe de). Storia e .Letteratura, 22, 37, 41, 529 [Fully catalogued under the authors) kIAIER (Anneliese). Studien zur Natur— ‘‘- philosophie der SpItscholastik 1949, ç.
Card ID: 271
SCHIAP1?INI (Aifredo) And Luca (Giuseppe de). Storia e letteratura, etc. [Continued. L17 90. PARETI (Luigi). Studi minori di storia antica. Vol. 2. Storia greca. 1961. 91. ROSOIONI (Gian C.) Beat Ludwig von Muralt e la ricerca dell’umano. In appendice tre Lettres sur lee françois tiel testo inedito del 1697. 1961. O.S.B. 92,. LECLERCQ (Jean), Recuell d’tudes sur Sat 1Q4,114.Bernard et ses crits. vois. I962—6. [SEE. NEXT CtLRD.
Card ID: 300