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INGTON INDIANA a:n george|k:n (george) (5)
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BLOOi1INGTON (INDIANA). Indiana Univers. Indiana University publications. Humanities series. [Con1nue4.] 2. VICKERY (Walter N.) The cult of optimism1 political and ideological problems of recent Soviet literature. 1963. 53. BARNETT (George L.) Charles Lamb: the evo— lution of Ella. 1961+. 54. 1U.BK1N (Gerald). Drama and comiitment: politics in the Americn theatre of tbe thirties. 1964. 55. 1ILLS (Laurens J.) The Tragedies of Shakespae’ ‘Antony and Cleopatra’. 7964. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 51
BL0OItINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana University. Indiana University studies, etc Vol.VI. 43 rj Social significance o mental disease and defect: a study based on three hundred. forty- five mental. id nervous cases referred to the social service departnent o Indiana Univere— ity. [With u. bibliography.) By HJ. Andrews. ,p. 58. ables aud diagrams. 0 8 • Bloornigton, 1919.
Card ID: 132
PR [ BLOOJiINGTON (INDIANA). Iniana Uniereity. Indiun UniverBity studies, etc. Vol.VIII. 48. Index verboriim do Covarruvias Orozco: Tesoro de la lenguci. cste11ann, o es,anola. !adrid, 1674—7. Lo jub1ica J.M.Hul. jp. 186. 8°. Bloomington, 1921.
Card ID: 137
PR BLOO11INGTON (INDIANA). Indiana University. Indiana Unvorsity studies, etc. Vol. XII. 65. An Etymological study of the ten thousand words in ThorndikoTs Teacher’s Word Boo1. By E.Y.Lindsay. pp. 115. Tables. 8°. Bloomington, 1925. ‘4
Card ID: 154
tLd BLOO]INGTON (INDIANA). Iflian Univer8ity. Indiana University studies., etc. Vol.XV. 82. Base—level and its varieties. By C.A.Malott. pp.59. 8°. Bloomington, 1928.
Card ID: 168