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ING Rudyard a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (3)
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ING, Rudyard
Author: ING (Rudyard)
t-c” J’ TCIPt,ING (Rudyard). Departmental ditties and other vorses..4Fourth edition, with additional poems. pp. vi. + (2) + 121. 8°. Calcutta (London printed), jf j [Another edition.] (The Sixeirny Series.) pp. 126. 8°. London, 1899.
Card ID: 411
Yo K55G KIPlING (Rudyard). A Diversity of creatures. pp. viii.,441. London, 1917. CAnother copy.] jL I Bj’3 S.L.C, 1.561. S”ERLINc ui, i’ç 2EFENCE ONLY
Card ID: 412
SIEP1JI!G L1ERARV - , 7 EFzrhE1qz Oi1LY KItING (Rudyard). The Years between. pp. xiii. + 159. 80. London, 1919.
Card ID: 483