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ILT Richard a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (2)



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    Author: ILT (Richard)


    I”) L SAtILT (RIchard). A New treatIse of algebra, [CONTINUED.] —[Another edItIon.] pp. (4) + 66 + (2). DIaKrams and tables. [De M. j 4°. [Ldon, 1694]. The tIt1epage and “ExplIcatIon of the characters” In thIs edItIon are reprIrted from the t of the above folIo edItIon. In the preface to the folIo ItIon, SaIlt says that he had the puarto edItIon ‘prIntedfor my ownuse?. ThIs preface does not appear In the Quarto_edItIon, whIch, however, has a dedIcatory letter to WIllIam Meester In Its place. bIoraphIca1_accóIm °“Is Inserted In the De Morgan copy of ,eybourn’s Pleasure wIth profIt.

    Card ID: 458

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    Author: ILT (Richard Paxrner)


    2:ILT (RIchard Paxrner). DEPOSITORY Ptho1ogy, goner1 and s>ecIa1, for students of medIcIne...ThIrd edItIon, pp. 610. London, 1912. ‘d __________

    Card ID: 366