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ILT Richard a:an william|k:it (william) (1)



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    Author: ILT (Richard)


    ‘ i”) L SAtILT (Richard). A New treatise of algebra, [CONTINUED.] —[Another edition.] pp. (4) + 66 + (2). DiaKrams and tables. [De M. j 4°. [Ldon, 1694]. The tit1epage and “Explication of the characters” in this edition are reprirted from the t of the above folio edition. In the preface to the folio ition, Sailt says that he had the puarto edition ‘printedfor my ownuse?. This preface does not appear in the Quarto_edition, which, however, has a dedicatory letter to William Meester in its place. bioraphica1_accóim °“is inserted in the De Morgan copy of ,eybourn’s Pleasure with profit.

    Card ID: 458