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ILL I!arry a:be william|k:it (william) (10)



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    Author: J (x ‘ILL)


    c- J (x ‘ILL) Sc Lckatc,-.c $I%a13utr.[c.—Wkc4I - RUTCRESOi (William J.Fraser). - Shukespeare1s other Anae...A short account of the life and works of Anne Whateley or Beck, a sister of the Order of St.Clare, who nearly married Wiliiam Shakespeare in iJovember, 1582 A.Ji. pp. 128. flratts, LLflQa3...Jflliflntt2Li3 facsirnilea and diajyar. 0 8 .tgiasgow, 1950].

    Card ID: 18

  • card

    Author: PARE (William)


    ThPK Rog SHAKE8PARE (William). [A,peidix.-Criticism.j See ROGERS (Louis William). The Ghosts n Shakespeare: a studr of the occultism in the Shakespeare plays. 80 • Wheaton, Ill., i66• I

    Card ID: 482

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    Author: OND (William)


    DRTThU1OND (William), of Hawthornden. Notes oi’ Ben Jonon’s conversations with Yl. Drummond of Hawthornden, January L.DC.XIX. [Edited by D. Iaing.] London, 1842. LOIDON. [IlL Isliscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Shakespeai’e Societr. [Publications. No.8.] I

    Card ID: 518

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    - a—, c c’t SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] 1< The Plays and poems of William Shakspeare,.. etc. [continued.] i8. Henry VI. Part I—Ill. Mr.àtalone’s dissertation. 19. Richard III. Benry.VflI. 20. Venus and Adonis. Rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. Lover!s complaint. Passionate pilgrim. Memoirs of Lord &outhanipton. 21. Pericles. Titus Andronicus. Addenda. Index.

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    3YCA 3 Sha For reference only SHAKESPEARE (William). [Concordances and Dictionaries.i Oxford Shakespeare concordances, etc. [Continued.] Love’s labours lost. 1970. Much ado about nothing. 1970. Hichard LI. 1971. kichard LII. 1971. King John. 1970. Henry IVPart I. 1971. Henry Ill. Part II. 1971. Henry V. 1971. I Henry VI. 1970. II Henry VI. 1971. III Henry VI. 1971. [SEE NEC CARD.)

    Card ID: 317

  • card

    Author: PETIE (Sir William )Aatthew Flinders)


    PETIE (Sir William )Aatthew Flinders). See LONPOL [IlL Miscellaneous Institutioiie, Societies, etc.] Egyptian Research Account and British School AroatTTh EflDt J11ications,J 44, 4. Qau and Badari. I...Vlith chapters by...P. Petric. London, 1927—28.

    Card ID: 501

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    Author: HODGSON (William Ballantyne)


    I ii ‘I ‘ HODGSON (William Ballantyne). Classical instruction: why-?—when?— for whom?; a paper read at the meetii in Sept. 186ö, of the Social Science Association at Sheffield... Reprinted from the Educational Times for June, 1866. pp. (8). LQ,iLL.) 80. Loncion, 1866. The edges of the have been closely oroped., the pagination oein cutaway.’ (Another copy.] [Another copy.] tQ.M.L.1’

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    I:. . MLJRE (William), oCaldwe11, Historian. [Review of) A Critical history of tAie language and lit,erature of ancient, Greece. By W. Mure...Vols. 1.—Ill, etc. (The Eclectic Review1 June, 1850, v31 xxvIL) pp. 737—750. [G. G.j 8°. [London, 1850]. Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 449

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    Author: HUNT (‘di1iiam Henry)


    HUNT (‘di1iiam Henry).trtista. See iL]NLJ(JN. [ill. isoellneou Injt.utjons, bocieties, etc. I Old ater—Colour ociety’s Club. The )ld Vater—Colour Society’s Club, twelLrL annu1 volume, etc. (William Herwy Hunt, L]90—1d64. d. .Stepn.ns, etc. [iviLh a note Od d.nd rrist. ot works eXflOiteQ.]) jp. i7—5. Lonczcn, i9)).

    Card ID: 599

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    Author: NICHOLS (John)


    1V4( I ill C— NICHOLS (John), g.S.A., Printer. Biograhica1 anecdotes of William Hogarth; and a catalogu.e of his works chronologically arranged; with occasional remarks. pp. 157. [L.I.J 8°. London, 1781. The ocond edition, enlarged and corrected. pp. v. + 474. Frontispiece. [G.G.) 0 S • London, 1782. The third edition, enlarged and corrected. pp. c. + 529. Frontispiece. [1.1.] 8. London, 178.

    Card ID: 183