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IIARRISON James a:e •|k:e (or) (2)



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    Author: IIARRISON (James)


    (xtt) e C IIARRISON (James), Publisher. Select British classicks. Vols. 4—8. Plates. 8°. London, 179—98. Imperfect; wanting Vols. 1— Each work has a separate titlepage, pagination and regiter. 4.Contaifl1nJhe World. 5. Containing The Adventurer and Shenstone’s Essays. 6. Containing The Quardian and Temples Sketches. 7. Containing The ‘-‘onnoisseur, Lord Lyttleton’s Dialogues of the dead. 8. Containing The Idler, Fitzosborne’s Letters, and The i

    Card ID: 582

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    Author: IIARRISON (A1ecander James)


    IIARRISON (A1ecander James). The Ascent, of faith; or, The Grounds of certainty in scienoe and re1iion. (e Bo Lectures. 1892—93.) pp. xiv + 302, 8°. Lo2ldoi, 1893.

    Card ID: 429