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IG Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (14)



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    Author: IG (Robert)


    BRQWNflIG (Robert). [Paoo1i±arotto.J Pacehiarotto and how he worked in distemper, with other poems. pp. viii. 4 241. 8. pndon, 1876. TrLu:G L3RARY LEFrEcE ONlY [S.L.J I. EBrowning, R.— 1876]. [nother copy.]

    Card ID: 55

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    Author: ALLISTFR (Robert)


    ]33 !IG MAC 4ALLISTFR (Robert). e Civil tar letters of Genera]. Robert IkAflister. Edited by James I.obertaor. pp. 638. Plates and. nap. Nev Brunsw-Lek, N.J., 1965.

    Card ID: 358

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    Author: WALSER (Robert)


    WALSER (Robert). VJli j 9C Dichtungen in Prosa. Herausgegeben von C. See].ig. 5 vols. 8°. Geneva and Darmstadt (Frankfit), 1953—59. 1. Aufsiitze. Kleine Dichtungen. 1953. 2. Unver8ffentliche Prosadichtungen. 1954. 3. Der GehUlfe: Roman. 1955. 4. Fritz Kocher’s Aufsgtze, Die Rose, und Kleine Dicbtungen. 1959. 5. Kom&ie, Gescbichten und der Spaziergang. 1961.

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: DRYSDALE (Charles Robert)


    • DRYSDALE (Charles Robert). Prostitution medically considered, with some of its social aspect.s: a paper read at the Harveian Medical Society or London, Jan. 1366....with a report or the debate. pp. 41. IG. G.] 8. London, w66.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: HOOKE (Robert)


    Ii HOOKE (Robert), F.R.S. Lectures nd co11ectios made by flobert itooke... Cometa, containing observations of the conet inApriI 677, fragments of severl lectures hout those of 1664 and 1665, Sir Chr.Wren’s hypothesis.. .tbout those comets.. .iiicroscopium contsinin L.r.Leeuweithoec1:’s to letters concerning some late micr•scovical discoveries. the author’s discourse.. .of microscopes... P.C:.eubine’ s accusations answ’red. Mr.Yrnmg’s letter corit&inin,g severil antor.ical obscrvations. pp. (3) + 112. [Ocil.] 40. Lox;don, 1678. .1_ (. ,— I Iitmeri’ec.: n i07.-1 iG.

    Card ID: 55

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    Author: GAGUIN (Robert)


    2 GAGUIN (Robert). L.a Merdes ehroniques[COVPIN1JIIOJ:— ig. a—z,4. in sixea, c1 an c2 beiU a u ioae leaf, 0’ i also ciupliested and 06 nIeing. Contains a full—page iioodout,,3 gnealogieaZ tablos, one of rbioh is £oldcd,.an1 uood.out in.tisla. The title—page, printed in redand black, baa been torn and repaired in tbi copy. [Another copy.] ER.S.] Inoonpletc; iianting leaves C’ P1, P5, R1, R, S16, and the fol-. dod genealogical tab’e. This oopy forrly belonged to the library of Thosas Heard,:2nd .arl of Arundel, and appears 7) In tho cateloue, pub— lielied j 1661, of be,ka from that library whiob were presented to the Ioyal Socioty by Henry Bosard, 6th Duke of Norfolk, in 67. The title-pages of these two •copies have been exchaed so that the L.I. copy now has the p.S. title-page, and vice versa.

    Card ID: 402

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    Author: No Author available


    BROWr (Robert benaway). The Printed works of Isidore of Seville: a trial check list. L:.&ig:22], 1949. LEXL’GTOLi (KTUCKY). Uuiver Ketuc. Occasional contributions, 5.

    Card ID: 448

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    Author: No Author available


    Cihi DIXON ..(Wi.iliam- Robert Blake, Admiral and General at sea. Based on family. and.. statG. .pa.pes... .A new edition. pp. xvj. +. 300....... IG..G..].. 8... 18.56.

    Card ID: 498

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    Author: HOWITT (William)


    HOWITT (William). Plain remarks on t1he proj.osed rnrriage bill, addressed to both Sir Robert Peel and the Dissenters. pj.. (2) - iG. [. 0.] 8°. London, J8.

    Card ID: 288

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    Author: No Author available


    IG- cr (57 CL.AEKE (Frederick William). See GREEN (George a), called the pinder o Wakefield. A Pleasant conceyted comedle of George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield, [Sometimes attributed to Robert Greene. A type—facsimile of the edition of 1599, prepared by F.W.Clarke.j tprd printea, 19u1.

    Card ID: 383

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    Author: No Author available


    IG— a-), G., R. The Comicall historie of Alphonus, King of Arâgon...Made by R.(i. [i.e. Robert Greene. A type—facsimile of the edition printed by Thomas Creede in 1599. Edited by W.W.Greg.] (The Malone Society Repririte.) pp. xii. + (68). Facsimiles. 4°. [Oxford printed., 1926). [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: No Author available


    c . KINZEL (Carl). See KOE?IG (Robert). Deutsche Literatugeschichte. Einunddrei— ssigste Auflage herausgegeben und be— arbeitet von Dr. Kinzel. Bielereld and ieiozi, 1906. —Vierunddreissigste Auflage herausgege— ben, bearbeitet11und bis auf die Ge— genwart i’ortgefuhrt von Dr. Kinzel. Bielefeld and ejDzig, 1920.

    Card ID: 372