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IE Sir Alexander in (alexander) (10)



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    Author: IE (Sir Alexander)


    MACKiN1IE (Sir Alexander). See WRONG (I-lumphrey lurn). Sir Alexander Lackenzie, ep1orer and fur—trader. Toronto, 1927. Temporary Catalogue Entry

    Card ID: 26

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    Author: FLEMING (Sir Alexander)


    F FLEMING (Sir Alexander). See MAUROIS (André), pseud. (i.e. mile HERZOG.] [La Vie de Sir Alexander Fleming.— English, The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin. Translated from the French by G.Hopkins, etc. London, 1959.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: LEIGHTON (Alexander)


    LEIGHTON (Alexander) .D. Speeoh of Sir Robert the case øf Alexander Leigiton in the star Chamber, June 4, 1630. tIondn1, 1875. Zee LONDOL [hi. L1ice11aneous Irititutios, Socie,ie, etc.] Camilcu 3ocie.y. - ]?ub1jcatjon.) New Series. 14. The Camden Miscellany. Vol. VII. r

    Card ID: 213

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    Author: FISHER (Alexander)


    03V Fis FISHER (Alexander), Surgeon, EJ. Journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions performed between the 4th of April and the :18th of November, 1818, in his majesty’s ship Alexander, Wm.Edw.Parry, Esq. Lieut. and Commander. By an officer of the Alexander [i.e. A.Fisher]. 12°. London, [1820). PAJRY (Sir Wi1]iam ar, Rear-Admiral.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: WELLESLEY (Sir Victor Alexander Augustus Henry)


    WELLESLEY (Sir Victor Alexander Augustus Henry), K.C.M.G.LC.B. and SENCOURT (Robert ) pseu [i.e. Robert Esinonde Gordon GEORGE.) Conversations with Napoleon III: ...documents, mostly unpublished.., selected ... by Sir V. Wellesley... and R. Sencourt. 19314. Temporary Catalogue Entry

    Card ID: 581

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    Author: PARRY (Sir William Edward)


    03V FIB PARRY (Sir William Edward), Rear-Admiral. Joiirnal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions performed between the tth of April and. the 18th of November, 1818, In his majesty’s ship Alexander, Wm.Edv.Parry, Esci. Lieut. and Commander. By an officer of the Alexander (i.e. AJisher]. (yçyags and rave1s, No.1, Vol.1.) pp. viii. + ion. Diagrams, tables arid folded map. 12° • I.ond.on, [1820]. Bound in a volume 1ettered ‘Voyages & travels’.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: SIDNEY (Sir Philip)


    t LL ( ‘J c IS SIDNEY (Sir Philip). (Works.] The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia...[Edited by H.S.., i.e.Hugh Sanford.] Now the sixt time published. tWith additions to the third book signed “S.W.A.” i.e. Sir William Alexander.] (Certajne Sonets. The Defence of Poesie. Astrophel and Stella. The May ladie.) pp. (6) + 588. [D.-LJ] fol. Imprinted by H..L[ownes). for M.Lowñés: London, 1623. The additions by Sir William A1exaner are contained in 2 sheets. siuedg’ and%., which are inserted at the appropriate place, between Eel ad Ee2. Unhik inder of the work, these leaves have no gination, running title or catchwords. ayes ‘13 and Vu, are damaged, affeti

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: HOPKINS (Gerard Walter Sturgis)


    •• ‘(?- iLE HOPKINS (Gerard Walter Sturgis). See MATJROIS (Andre), pseud. (i.e. niile aERZOG.J [La Vie de Sir Alexander Fleming. —Enlih. The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin. Translated from the French by G.Hopkins, e c. London, 1959. I

    Card ID: 130

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    Author: No Author available


    FJ Mc.. MAUROIS (André), pseud. [i.e. mile HERZOG..) [La Vie de Sir Alexander Flening. — English.] The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin. Translated from the French by G.Hopkins, and with an introduction by R.Cruickshank. [With a bibliography.] pp. 292. Portraits and plates. O• London, 1959.

    Card ID: 52

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    [o ‘zzi WALPOLE (Horace), ,arI of OrfQ. Notes on the poems of Alexander Pope... Contributed by Sir .A.Fraser from the copy in his possession. pp. 65. 0 4 . ondon, 1871. p, J6o5Onumbeied signed by Sir A holograuh letter from Sir Vl.A.Fraser to Eawdo Brwjsjei, inserted.

    Card ID: 397