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IE Christopher a:in sir john|k:are (john) (3)



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    Author: IE (Christopher)


    XIL 0930 973 MARLC7IE (Christopher). [Works translated or vith Contributions by Marlowe.] Christopher Marlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: epigrams. 1595. [FacsIni1e reproductions of two editions pirporting to have been produced at Middleburgh in Hoflend. The Bincttey text: Epigrwunes and elegies. By I.D. [i.e. Sir John Davies] end C.M. (i.e. Christopher Marlow]. - The Mason text: AU Ovid’s elegies: 3 bookes. By C .M. Epigrems by J.D. 3 tntrodu.ctoxy note by A.J. Smith. Scolar Press: Menston, 1973. See OV]DIUS NASc (Publius). [Amorea. - Enclish.]

    Card ID: 494

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    Author: SMITH (Albert James)


    XIL 093G 973 SMITH (Albert James). See OVIDIUS NASO (Publius). [Amores. - English.) Christopher lrlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: Epigrams. 1595. [cs1mile reproductions Of two editions purporting to Imve been produced at Middleburgh in Holland. The Bindley text: Epigrammes and elegies. By I.D. [i.e. Sir John Davies] and C.M. [i.e. Christopher Marlow’]. - The Mason text: All Ovid’s elegies: 3 bookes. By C.M. Epigrams by J.D.J Introductory note by A.J. Smith. Sco].ar Press Menston, 1973.

    Card ID: 410

  • card

    Author: OVIDIUSNASW (Publius)


    xlii 0930 973 OVIDIUSNASW (Publius). [Amores. - glish.] Christopher Marlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: Epigrams. 1595. LFacsimile reproductions of two editions purporting to have been produoed atMiddleburgh in Holland. The Bindley text: Epigrammes and elegies. By.I.D. [ie. Sir John Davies] and CM. I:i.e. Christopher Marlowe).. — The Nason text: All. Ovid’s elegies: 3 bookes. By 0.11. Epigrams by J.D.] introductory note by A.J.Smith. pp. (164). Scolar Press: Menston, 1973. Wanting A of the Bindley text which is missing in the British Museum copy from which the facsimile was made.

    Card ID: 143