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ID Edmund Marsden a:e vi|k:e (or) (5)
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ID, Edmund Marsden
GOLDSI(ID, Edmund Marsden
Author: ID (Edmund Marsden)
8°fG4rcJ CM: GOLDSLtID (Edmund Marsden). Mbliotheoa Curiosa, etc. D’UR’1Y (Thomas). A Commonwealth of woinen...l68, diteö. by E. Qo1dsid. pp. 120. 8. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1886.
Card ID: 15
Author: GOLDSI(ID (Edmund Marsden)
— -j%C2• I - GOLDSI(ID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adamanta. 14. A True account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy to assassinate the late King Charles II. at the Rye—Nouse...1696. [By T. Sprat, Bishop of Rochester.] EdIted by E. Goldsmid. 3 vols. L.P. 8°. Edinburgh, privately printed, i886.
Card ID: 61
- 78 c20 I GOLDS1ID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adamanta. 19. The Secret corresponderce of Sir Robert Cecil with James VI., King of Scotland. ow first pub1i-ied...1766. Edited by E. Goldsmid. 3 vola. I,.?. 8°. Ecinburgh, privately printed, 1887.
Card ID: 66
GOLDS11ID (Edmund Marsden). /‘‘“‘‘j Collectanea Adamantaa1 21. The History of the devIls of Loudun: the alleged possession or the Ursuline nuns, arid the trial and execution of U Grandier, told by an eye—witness (des Niau). Translated from the orgin1 French and edited by E. Goldsiiiid. 3 vols. L.P. 8°. EdinburEh, prIvately printed, 1887-88.
Card ID: 69
c GOLUSt1ID (Edmund Marsden). A Collection of epitaphs and inscriptions, interesting either from historical associations or quaintness of wording. Edited by E. Goldemid. Edinbur, privately printed, 1885-86. See supra: Collectanea Adamanta, 12.
Card ID: 79