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ICHAEL Alexander in (alexander) (2)



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    Author: ICHAEL (Alexander)


    •1 CAR1ICHAEL (Alexander). Carmina Gadelica (Ortha nan Ghaidheal): hymns and incantations, with illustrative notes on words, rites and customs, dying and obsolete. Orally collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and translated into English by A. Carmichael. (Second edition.) [Vols. 3—-,- edited by J.C.Watson. Vol. 5. edited by A. Matheson.] 5 vole. Eortmits. 8°. Edinbur and London 192 —ic555.

    Card ID: 530

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    Author: ICHAEL (John)


    - CA1L1ICHAEL (John), o the East India Cornpan!. ‘a Narrative of a journey from A].eppo to Basra in l’751. See ORRBTilER (Alexander Dou1asiitche11), - The Desert route to India:, being the journals of four travellers,,.ijt-ed by 1.). Carruthers6 PP1cO91

    Card ID: 541