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IAZZELLA Scipione a:p 1|k:p (will) (1)



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    Author: IAZZELLA (Scipione)


    flCT- rrs C P’JMF’i’iC IfIAZZELLA (Scipione). Parttienopo:eia; or, the History of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples, with the dominions therunto annexed, and the lives cf all their kings. The first part by...S.Mazzella, made English by S.Lennard. The second part compiltd by J.gowell, who, besides som supplements to the first part, drawes on the tlireed of the story to these present times, 1654. IUustrated with the figures of the kings, and the arms oi all the provinces. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. London, 1654.

    Card ID: 531