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IAN John Henry a:an john a|k:an (john) (10)



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    Author: IAN (John Henry)


    Pf’j1-1- I1EVfl9IAN (John Henry) See DkLCAIRNS (John.D.) Life of St. Stephen Hardinc...Edited by J • H. !‘Tewnn, to. London, 1898.

    Card ID: 564

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    Author: LANG (Ian)


    MVU Col LANG (Ian). See COLLIER (John Henry Noyes) and LANG (lain). Just the ether day: an 1nfornJ. history of Great Britain siuce the war. 8°. London, 1932. U

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: NEWHIN (John Henry)


    PRA7 N45F 961 NEWHIN (John Henry), Cardinal. [Letters.] The Letters and diaries of John ilenry Newman. Edited at the 3irminghan Oratory, etc. Vol. 1, etc. London (Oxford), 1961, etc. In progress. 1. Jaling, Trinity, Oriel. February 1801 to December 1826. (With notes and nfl introduction by Inn Ker and Thomas Gornall.) 1978. 2. Tutor of Oriel. January 1827 to December 1831. (With notes and an introduction by Ian Ker and Thomas Gornaj.1.) 1979. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: R (Ian Turnbull)


    PRA7 N45F 961 IcR (Ian Turnbull). [For the letters and diaries of John Henry Newman edited by I.T. Ker] See NEWt{AN (John Henry), Cardinal. [Letters.] The letters and diaries of John Henry Newman. Edited at the Birmingham Oratory, etc. Vol. 1, etc. London (Oxford), 1961, etc. rL\ _____

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: PYE (Henry James)


    PYE (Henry James). GAWSWORTH (John), ocud. [i.e. Terenee Ian Fytton ARMSTRONG.] Backwaters: excursions in the shades. WUhiam Godwln, H.J.Pye, £.• London, 1932.

    Card ID: 422

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    Author: AN (Joim Henry)


    PA7 Nl+5F 961 NE1AN (Joim Henry), Cardinal. [Letters.] The Letters and diaries of John Henry Newman. idited at the Birmingham Oratory, etc. [Continued.] 3. New bearings. January 1832 to June 1833. (With notes and an introduction by Ian Ker and Thcan Gornail.) 1979. 4. The Oxford Hovement, July 1833 to December 1834. (With notes and an introduction by Ian Ker and Thomas Gornall.) 1980. 5. Liberalism in Oxford, January 1835 to December 1836. (With notes and an introduction by Thomas Gornsll..) 1981. 6. The Via Media and Froude’s Remains. January 1837 to December 1838. (With notes and an introduction by Gerard Tracey.) 984.. SEE NEXT CAN]).]

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: No Author available


    /0.,. GAWSWORTH (Join), pseud. [i.e. Terence Ian Fytton ARMSTRONG.) See ILLIS (Henry Haiveláck). Poems. . . Selected by John Gaws— worth, etc. [1937.]

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘Y° (i’,c. GAWSNORTH (John), poeud. [i.e. Terence Ian Fytton ARMSTRONG.] Frederick Rolfe arid others a miscellany of essays on John Gray, Henry Williamson, Ronald Firbank, André Raffalovich and Frederick, Baron Corvo. By J. Gawsworth, A. Wigginton, D. Duck, the Lady M. Sackville and S. Houédard, together with a contribution from G. Fielding and a theological fragment by F. Rolfe, etc. [Aylesford], 1961. See ROLFE (Fredecick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary), calling himself Baron CORVO. [Apjendix. j

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: No Author available


    Lc_ê v..Lj &iAKSPEARL (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.] Slip—case 6. The Tragedy of Coriolanus. Introduction by Manfred Wekwerth and Joachirn Tenschert. Designs by Marifred Grund. 1975. Pericles Prince of Tyre. ]:ntroduction by I?chard Pasco. Designs by Paul Shelving. 1972. Cymbeline. Introduction by Ian Richardion. Designs by John Napier. 1976. The Winter’s tale. Introduction by Flora Robson. Designs by Carl Toms. 1975. The Tempest. Introduction by Sir John Clenients. Designs by Ralph Koltai. 1971. The Life of King Henry VIII. Introduction by Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Designs by Percy Mncquoid. 1974.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: PRINCMN (Nfl JERSEY)


    PRINCMN (Nfl JERSEY). Princeton University. Department of Economics. International Finance Section. Essays in international finance. IContinued.] 1p( Pc..24 106. NcKINNON (Ronald Ian). A New tripartite monetary agreement or a limping dollar standard? 107. riaiino (John Marcus). Reflections on the international monetary reform. 1974. 1QS. DIAZ-ALFJANDRO (Carlos Federico). Less developed TM countries and the post—1971 international financial system. 1975. 109. MIK3EIL (Raymon Frech) and GOLDSTEIN (Henry N.) ¶ (e.c..2) Rules for a floating-rate regime. 1975. 110. NIC]LALOPOIJWS (Constantine). Financing needs of (“ 2) developing countrios: proposals for international action. 1975. [SEE NEXD CARD.]

    Card ID: 171