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IAN Edward a:e luis de|k:on (e) (3)
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IAN, Edward
IAN, Edward Augustus
Author: IAN (Edward)
UThLflIAN (Edward). See CA!.IOES (Luis de). [Lus1das.—En1ish.] The Lusiac3...Books I. to V. Translated by E. Quillirian, etc. London, 1853.
Card ID: 181
RE1IAN (Edward). The Norse discoveries and explorations in America. [Edited by A.G.Brodeur.] pp.xi. + 201. 8°. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 19L.9.
Card ID: 13
Author: IAN (Edward Augustus)
FREEkIAN (Edward Augustus). Sicily, PhSnician, Greek, and Roman. (Fourth impression.) (The orv of_th.e Nation, 31.) pp. xvi. + 37 FrontisDiee, il1usrt jons and 8°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 455