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I j Harold George j(i) (4)
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I, j Harold George
WILSON, George Harold
No Author available
Author: I (j Harold George)
Z NICOLSO1I (J Harold George), K.CV.O. The New spirit in literature. § ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. British Boedcating GorvoratJoJ. The Changing world: a broadcast symposium. Part 2. [London, 1931—32,]
Card ID: 112
Author: WILSON (George Harold)
—p (J ‘ I_%• WILSON (George Harold). The Theory of gaseous isotope separation in a force field with application to the ultra— centrifuge. A dissertationa..presented to the... (University of Pennsylvania).. .for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Reprint from Delaware Notes, 14, 1941. pp. (2) + 25. Diagrams and tables. 0 8 . Philadelphia, 1941.
Card ID: 290
Author: No Author available
Malcolm Morley Collection CO1EMPORAY BRITISU DRfMATISTS. [Volumes iti thia series are fully catalogued under their authors,J I .IUJBINSTEIN (Harold ,) and. GLOVER (Baicott). EXOdU3. 1923. 2.MOMHOUSE (liài1.) The Conquering hero. 1923. .RUBINSTEIN (Harold F.) What’s wrong with the drama? 1923. 11 .GRIBBLE (George D.) The Masque of Venice. 1924. 16.BAX (Clifford). Nocturne in Paleino. 1924. 17.PRCY (Edward). The aigordans. 1924. 19.COWARD (Noel p.) The Vortex. 1925. 20.O’RIORDAN (Cona]. H.O.) His MaJesty’s pleasure. 1925. 22.?iCY (Howard). Nagic hours. 1925. 23.LEVY (Benn ii.) This woman business. 1925. [sE NE CA1D.)
Card ID: 241
COLUMBIA ESSAYS or MODERN WRITERS. Columbia essars on modern writers, etc. [Continued.) 23. WAIN (John Barrington). Arnold Bennett. 24. STERN (Joseph Peter). Thomas Mann. 1967. “‘ 25. STALE (George). Robert Graves. 1967. ‘‘ (s) 26. NA?MS (J .H.) Andr Breton. 1967. (ic. i) 27 1RR (Walter). Harold Pinter. 1967. -CJ 28. YOU (Ik*urd T.) Juan Rm6n Jiinnez. 1967. 29. rF (Robert S.) Henry Green. 1967. [sis sxr CARD.)
Card ID: 142