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LfI (fl”) c [r-j
HEYWOOD (Thomas) Draniatist.
The Iron age: [a dramatic history], contaynirig the rape of Eeilen, the siege of (Troy]... &c. (The Second part of the Iron a[geJ, which contayneth the death of Penthesilea, P[aris), Priam and Hecuba...&c.) Written by T. Heywood. [Each part in five acts and in verse.] 2 parts in 1 vol. tDrL.L.]
40• [Printed_ by_N. Okes,_Londpn, 1632.]
Impçrfect: Part 1 wants leaf A3. IPar_2, leaf A’* has been bound before A). Closely cropped_, the fore—edge and imprint being cut away from both ti tie -paes.
This copy of the work_has been used as a printer’s
copy, the titl€— ages being cori’ected
inMS. -_
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