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I Sir Herbert George i (sir herbert george) (8)



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    Author: I (Sir Herbert George)


    r POflDEAIvI (Sir Herbert George). The Earthquake of the 17th of Deoember, 1896, as it affected. the County of Hertford: a paper read...on the 6th of April, 1897. (From the ‘Traiiss.otions of the Hertfordshire NaturcU History society’, oL.IX.,Part , pp. 183-208.) Ltap and. diagrams. 8°. Hertforö,l897. Bimdina vo1ue lettered.: Paph1ete by Sir R.G.Ford.harn.

    Card ID: 370

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    Author: PERRIS (George Herbert)


    , I PERRIS (George Herbert). Our foreign policy and Sir Edward Grey’s failure. pp. xxi. ÷ (‘i) +225. London, 1912.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: WELLS (Herbert George)


    ‘1’O ‘Hi4- WELLS (Herbert George) - The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman. pp. 465. 8°. London, 1914. [Another Copy.] STERLING L1f tr!f’F t’I c , VT (\L.I i.....- -‘ —

    Card ID: 237

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    Author: M (Frederic Herbert)


    I rijNTh 1ABGHkM (Frederic Herbert), 1st Viscount Maugbam. See CLARK (Sir George Norman). The Campden wonder. [Accounts of the mysterious happenings at Chipping Campden in Gloucestershire in August 1660, by Sir Thomas Overbury, 1676, John Paget, 1860, and Andrew Lang, 1904.) Edited by Sir G.Clark, with chapters by Viscount Maugham and D.Russell Davis. London, 1959.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: No Author available


    FORDEA!i! (Sir Herbert George). Thural nunicipalities nd the reform of local government: an outline of a scheme of local government for England. and. Wales • pp • 24. 80 1887. Bound in a volume lettered.: Pamphlets br Sir H.Q.Fordham.

    Card ID: 382

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    Author: BLACKBURN (Vernon)


    BLACKBURN (Vernon). WAUON (I.). The Lives of Dootor John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Rioherd Hooker, lqr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. [With an introduction by V • 1aokburn. J London. 1895.

    Card ID: 328

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    Author: WALTON (Isaak)


    S’ERLHG L1FI [St i kI/ITh! REFEREfTCE 0”LY WALTON (Isaak), the Ang1e. The Lives or Dr. Jobxi Lonne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert...To which are added some letters written by Mr. George Herbert. • .with others. • 1written by John Donne, e. 4 parts in 1 vol. Portraits, 8°. ?rjxitecIy T. Neweomb for,R. Aarriott: Londoz, 1&70. There re separate titiepaes to the yes of yLQtn, Hooker and. Herbert and to thetters

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    2. PERIODS OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE. Periods of European literature. Edited by Professor Saintsbury. [Continied.) 4. SMITH (George G.) The-Transition period. - 1900. 5. SAINTS&TRY (George E.B.) The Earlier Renaissance. 1901. 6. HANNAY (David). The Later Renajssance. 1898. ‘‘ 7. GRIERSON (Sir Herbert s.c.) The First h&I1 of the seventeenth century. 1906. [SEE NEXT CARD. I

    Card ID: 487