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I Robin s, i (robin s,) (7)
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I, Robin s,
No Author available
OLIVIER, Laurence Kerr
Author: I (Robin s,)
WALIZOrI (Robin S,) See WALt8ON (Robert Sydney).
Card ID: 428
Author: PEDLEY (Robin)
/ PEDLEY (Robin). education: a new approach. (Second impression.) pp. 203. 8°. London, 1957. T:!S WOP I flT 1” TH! LTBR. Any rv’:L .- • for sa is asked to inløtm e Li,tbrian.
Card ID: 188
Author: No Author available
‘(H qL.3 ARCHER (Robin). See S!1AKESPE4E]i (Wi1!iarn). (Works. 1963.) The Folio Preas Shake5peare. (The Life and death of King John. titroduction by Stuart Burge. Designs by Robin Archer.) London, 1973.
Card ID: 109
Fzny PHc J..hrnry H.P.L. [Aiiianacks.] I...: L.’c. C:r1y Strong Room. EPHEMERIDES. Poor Robin, 1678. An n1mnr.ack after a new fashion,.. Written by Poor Robin, )Cnight of the Burnt-Island, a veil-wisher to the nathematicks. Li.e. W.Winstanley, and others.] pp. (18). LR.P.L.J 8 London, [16781. Imperfect; wanting sigs.2—7,O6 and Cl_S. Bound in a voim lettered: Alnianacks 1678 and staxuped with the crowned cypher of King Charles II. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 258
Author: OLIVIER (Laurence Kerr)
YXk OLt Wh i OLIVIER (Laurence Kerr), Baron Olivier. See ‘IHITEIIEAD (Peter), ?ilm Director, and BEAN (Robin). Olivier - Skespeare. (Compiled by Peter Whitehead & Robin Bean.) [Introductory text in English, French end German. With a list of Olivier’s fi1m and illustrations from the fiims of ‘As you like it’, ‘Henry V’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘RicIsrd III’, and Othello.] London, 1966.
Card ID: 445
ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. 3ritish Broadcastin Corporation. J3BC lunch—time lectures. Sixth series. EVolumes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.] Yz (PC) 1. SCOTT (Robin). Radio I and Radio’2, etc. 1967. — 2. STEPHENSON (B.) The BBC’s foreign relations. 1967. 3, ATKINS (Ian): Working in colour,j. lg67.ttc2) ;. WEIGALL (D..B.) Satellites: use and future ideas in broadcasting, 1968.
Card ID: 44
ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Leukaemia Research Fund. Annual Guest Lecturetsj. [Continued.] (cci) 8. PINKEL (Donald). Treatnent of acute lymphocytic leukeniia...1973. H1L.c ) 9. MCALF (Donald). The Nature of myeloid leukaemia...1973. ic (C’c .‘ 10. SCHWARTZ (Robert S.) Autoirninunity and leukaernia. 1975. 11. SELIGNANN (Maxirne). Lymphocyte membrane markers in ‘ ( human leukaemias and lyrnphomas..,1976. FiC.c.i) 12. WEJSS (Robin). Transmieion and expression of leukaemia viruses...1977. (pr i) 13. GALTON (David Abraham Goiten) and KAY (Humphrey Edward Melville). U.K. ).eukaemia clinical trials fr children and adults... 1q28. LF’urther volumes will be found in the Lew Catalogue)
Card ID: 578