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I Patrioius a:p 1|k:p (will) (1)



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    Author: I (Patrioius)


    I MAC NEIrI (Patrioius), Count. The Freedom of commerce of the subjects of the Austrian liether-le.nds asserted and vindicated. Being a confutation of the argwnents avanc’d on the part of the Fast and West-India Companies of the United Provinces under oolour of the btb and 6th articles of the Treaty of Munster...Done into English from% the originl printed, at Brussels. Signed:’ P. ?4ac.Neiiy.) pp. (2) ÷ 59. 40 [London? 1724.) 1. 29-36 are wrongijy fluinbered 33-40.

    Card ID: 165