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I Noel David on (david) (2)



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    Author: I (Noel David)


    L9e VAO cLACELA1I (Noel David). See VAtJX (Janes Kardy). The Memoirs of Ja.’es Kardy Vaux, incling his vocabulary of the flash language. Edited and iith an Introduction and notes by N.McLachlan. 8. London, 1961g.

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: No Author available


    4 COLUMBIA ESSAYS ON MODE1N WRITEIS. Columbia essays on modern writers, etc. [Continued.] 17. (David Jo). Graham Greene. 1966. N? i L 18. OODRIG (Carl Ray). Virginia Woolf. 1966. ( R c c) 19. SOKEL (Walter Herbert). Franz Kafka. 1966. XU (:?(: Q) 20. DRIVER (Tom Faw). Jean Genet. 1966. c_) 21. LEES (Francis Noel). Gerard Manley Hopkins. 1966. 22. ZIOLKOWSKI (Theodore). Hermann Hease, 1966. j(9,2 f SEE NEXT CAR]),)

    Card ID: 141