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I Louis Maurice on (maurice) (6)
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I, Louis Maurice
JOUFFROY, Louis Maurice
No Author available
Author: I (Louis Maurice)
XTK F58 904 BRANDflI (Louis Maurice). See FITZ-WARINE (Fulk). The Ristory of 1k Pitz-Warine. Englished by Alice Kemp-Welch. With an introduction by I.. Brandin. London, 1904.
Card ID: 133
Author: JOUFFROY (Louis Maurice)
—•:— 1’ JOUFFROY (Louis Maurice). L’kre du rail...Pr4face de Ii. Dautry, e. jWith a bibliography.) (cpllection Armand Cohn. 286. Section d’I{istoire iences_conorn pp. 22Lf. Diagram and. maps. 8°. Paris, 1953.
Card ID: 334
Author: No Author available
C1 793.3 LLOuI9J Mu!c I.;y Louis (Maurice A.-L,) Le Folklore et la de.rise. pp. 1405. Biblio4zraphyL plates and iflustrations, 8°. parish 1963.
Card ID: 262
k-ri t’.’‘ :i CiI TF.IXERA DE MATTOS (Alexander Louis). See MAiERTINCK (Maurice) . [L’te Inconnu.-ng1iah.] The Unknovn guest...Translated by A.Teixeira de Mattos. Second edition. London, 1914.
Card ID: 562
Jhe8ea D.Lit 1971 ,Toussaiht.. Reference on1r INAY (Adrien d’). Lee I4isaions d’Adrien d’Epinay, 1830—1834. [Correspondence of A. d’Epinay. Edited by] (A. Toussaint). (Socit de l’Ristoire de i’1e Maurice, 3.) pp. ocxi, 214. Port—Louis, 1946.
Card ID: 388
VIE MUSICALE Fi FRANCE SOUS LES ROIS BOURBONS. Vie musicale en France sous les Rois Bourbons... 1xrie: Etudes. Lntinued.] () iLl 2. LANGERS (Louis). Dix annes la Chapeile -Royale de Musigue d apr une correspondance in&lite <1718-17285 [between I.ouis L.angers and Jean De1anarre], etc. 1957. y- ci 3. DUFOURCQ (Nor). Notes et references pour servir i ie Histc,ire de Michel—flichard Delalande ...Pub1ies...sous la direction dei.f9ci57. 4. BPTHE1Y (Maurice). Andre ampra: sa ‘ne et oeuvre, <166J_17441, j. 1957. [SEE NEXT Ci.RD.)
Card ID: 103