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I James Robinson a:if john|k:in (john) (5)



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    Author: I (James Robinson)


    Malcolm Morley1 -‘ Collection PI*iLacI (James Robinson). to thu rai11 a comic draiia in tire aCt8. [1887. j See DICKS (John). 1)ick8’ etandard. playa, 890.

    Card ID: 509

  • card

    Author: PLANCH (James Robinson)


    Malcolm Morley q Collection PLANCH (James Robinson). Proatotion; or, a Horning at Versailles: a vaudeville in one act. [i 87.] DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 893.

    Card ID: 532

  • card

    Author: PYVIE (John)


    L94z PYVIE (John). Some literary eccentrics, etc. EThomas Amory., Thomas Day, William BeckTd, Walter Savage Landor, William Hazlitt, Henry Crabb Robinson, Charles Babbage, Douglas Jerrold, George Wither, James I., Sir John Mandeville.J pp.(8) ÷ 296. Portraits. 8°. London,1906.

    Card ID: 431

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley , Collection SI Ptlj (James Robinson). Sonebody else: a vaudeville in one act. [i 887.] DIOKS (John). Dicks’ st,andard plays, 95.

    Card ID: 541

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications. English studies. (Continued.) is- A- rc-r 13. STEWART awrence.2 D.) John Scott of Amweil. 1956 [See fiche cta1ogue..J 15. PROCTOR (Mortmer Robinson). The English university novel. 1957.. 3 3-’Ti 16. LEVY (Leo B.) Versions of melodrama: a stud3? of...Renry James. 3.957.. (i’c 17. RALEIGH (John H.) MattheW Arnold andAerio- cuJ.ture. 1957. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 193