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I Charlotte a:l ‘i|k:l (‘i) (3)



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    Author: I (Charlotte)


    pcYY SiITlI (Charlotte). : Th Old niaror house. London, 1820. See AIKIT, afierwards BAR)3AULD (A. L.) The British novelists, etc. Vols. 36— 37

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: STOPES (i& Charlotte Carmichael)


    P S [Ckj STOPES (i& Charlotte Carmichael). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, yiSociety of Literature. Transactions, etc. (New series.) Essays by divers hands, etc. Vol. 10. pp. 77—.107. (Charlotte Carmichael Stopes: some aspects of her life and work. By P.S. Boas. A bibliographLcal list of the writings of Charlotte Carmichael Stopes. Compiled byG. Murphy.) London, 1931.

    Card ID: 78

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    Author: BUEHLER (Charlotte) and i-fETZER (Hiliegrd)


    BUEHLER (Charlotte) and i-fETZER (Hiliegrd). Testing children.’s develonent from birth t,o school age. By C.Buehler and H.Hetzer [with the collaboration of various authors]. Translated from the first German edition by H.Beaumont. [With a bibliography..] p. 191. P1tes, illustrations. diarcrrs, tables and. folded chart. 0 - 8 . ondon, 193.

    Card ID: 276