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I Aureiio i (aureiio) (2)



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    Author: I (Aureiio)


    BIANC:iI (Aureiio). Rolazione e catalogo det manoscritti di Filippo Pacni esi3tenti nella R.Biblioteca N4zionale Centrale di Firenze. [By] (A.Bianchi.) Rome, 189. See ITSwY. Departments of State and Official Bodics Ministero della ubblica Istruzione. Indici e cataloghi. 10..

    Card ID: 41

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    Author: GUEVARA (Antonio de)


    — fQ 0 ;r t4t,-c’ GUEVARA (Antonio de),successively Bishop of Gaudix and of MondoPledo. [Libro Aureo de Marco Aureiio.— English. j The Dial of princes, etc. [Continued.) following leaf, which have been supnlied in photogrpic facsimile. In a contemporary binding of brown calf, with gold tooling, and with the of Queen Elizabeth I stamped in gold in the centre of_the front and backver probajy a presenta— tion copy to the queen. Two leaves from a litui gcal MS. on vellum, with initials in red and blue and with musical noteshare been used as paste— downs, but have become detached from the boards. The signatures of two early owners, George and Hugh Halsweli,_re written on the front and back boards res_pectively. e•ndigbas been repèd. [SEE NEXT CARD.I

    Card ID: 87