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I Alfred a:in alfred|k:0273 (8)
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I, Alfred
I, Alfred Henry
I(A, Alfred Jerome
I, Alfred von
WIJNHAUS, Alfred and i
Author: I (Alfred)
)EPOSITO DE CURZ0I (Alfred). Dr. James Currie and the French prisoners of war in Liverpool, 1800—1801. Proni unpub— lished letters and reports kept at the London Record Office and at the Public Library, Liverpool. pp. 120. Portrait and plate. - 8°. Liverpool LParis priñted, 1926. eption copy igie by the authpr.
Card ID: 393
EDERSHEflI (Alfred) S1t,o1es of Jeivish social life in the dais of øhrist, pp. vii. + 342. Prontipeoe. El’.!.) 8. London, [1876.]
Card ID: 205
PiI1LIPP3Oi’I (Alfred). i)ie griechischen Landschaften: eine Landeskunde, . .Herausgegeben unter r1itwirking von h.Lehmann (und E.Klrsten). [4ith bibliOgraphies.) vols.. in 8. Na. ,0 8 ?rankrt, 1950-59. 1. Der ordosten der griechisehen Halbinsel. 3 vols. 1950—52. 2. i)er ordwesten der griechisehen lla1b,nse1. 2vols. 1956—58. (SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 216
YFIEN 970 ROSS I (Alfred). )&tnneapolis rehearsals: Tyror.e Guthrie directs FLamlet. [With the promptacript.] my A. Rossi. Berkeley, 19(0. see SHAKESPEARE (William). [Eamlet.)
Card ID: 4
Author: I (Alfred Henry)
HTJT-I (Alfred Henry). Se T.ONDON. [Iii. Miscelli.neous Institutions, oieties, ote.] Poxburg:e C’ub. (Publications.] 118. The iirur& of mans saluacioiine... rtntod from a nnuscript in the possession of £. H. Huth. ‘ith refae and 1.ossary [by I.. H. Huth]. Lonion, privately r1ntcd, 1888.
Card ID: 194
Author: I(A1 (Alfred Jerome)
• ‘- 1’ I(A1 (Alfred Jerome). The Effects of variations in intracranial pressure on consciousness, respiration and circulation in the dog. A dissertation submitted to the...(University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy... l9L3...Reprinted, with additions, from The Archives of Neurology arn5 Psychiatry, Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 191i!t. pp. 22. Illustration, charts and tables. 8°. [chicagoL 19L4.
Card ID: 275
Author: I (Alfred von)
“DEPOSITORY WEGERE1I (Alfred von). A Refutation of the V2rsailles war guilt thesis... Translated from the German by E.N.ZeycLel. Introduction by H.E.Barnes. (Modern Views on world ?olitics.) pp. cix. + (3) + 36. 1tes, facsimIles_and map. 8°. New York and Londo, 1930.
Card ID: 295
Author: WIJNHAUS (Alfred) and i
Wik WIJNHAUS (Alfred) and i Card ID: 250
Card ID: 250