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I Albert a:i i john|k:on (john) (7)
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I, Albert
BUCK, Albert I{enry
I, Oscar albert
WOLTMANN(JLlfred i?riedrich Gottfried Albert
E, Albert arie Victor and ILAND, Cbirles Godfrey
Author: I (Albert)
BCL ‘(II EflISTEflI (Albert). KIIEY (John F.) EInsteIn and AquInas: a rapprochemeIt. . Foreword by W.E. Carlo. The Hague, 1969.
Card ID: 411
LEITZt4ANtI (Albert). See REYNARD TFE FOX. C(erman.] ReInke de von. Mach der Auabe von F. PrIer. neu heraugegeben von A. LeItztIann. MIt eIner EIn1eItun von K. Voretzsch. Ial1e, 1925.
Card ID: 505
$CEWEITZE1I (Albert). KuItur und EthIk, MunIch, 1926. See Infra: KulturphIlosophIe, Part 2. 4
Card ID: 20
Author: BUCK (Albert I{enry)
1 BUCK (Albert I{enry). The Dawn of ndorn medIoIne: an account of the• revIval of the scIence and art. çf medIoIne w}2Ich took place In Western Europe durIng the latter half of the eIghteenth century and the fIrst part of the nIneteenth. fWIt.h a bIblIograpby.) pp. xIs. + 288. Plates. 8. New Haven and £nd, 1920.
Card ID: 146
Author: I (Oscar albert)
-: bEPOSITORY - MARrI (Oscar albert). EconomIc causes of the ReformatIon In England. [WIth a bIblIography.) pp. xxI.t 254. s0. London, 1929.
Card ID: 510
Author: WOLTMANN(JLlfred i?riedrich Gottfried Albert)
WOLTMANN(JLlfred I?rIedrIch GottfrIed Albert). HIstory of paIntIng. From the German of A.Woltmann and K.Woermann IVol. 1]. EdIted by S.CàlvIn.. (Vol. 2 Crans1ated [and edIted] by C.Bell.) 2 vols. I1lustratIons dIagrams and folde rJ.ates. 0 8. Lsndon, 1880-85. 1. AncIent,Early ChrIstIan, and medIeva1 paIntIng. 2. The PaIntIng of the Renascence.
Card ID: 86
Author: E (Albert 1arie Victor) and ILAND (Cbirles Godfrey)
BARR!J?E (Albert 1arIe VIctor) and ILAND (CbIrles Godfrey). A DIctIonary of slang, jargon & cant: embracIng EnglIsh, AmerIcan, and. AngloIndIan slang, pIdgIn EnglIsh, gypsIes’ jargon and other Irregular phraseology, etc. (RevIsed edItIon.) 2 vole. 0 8. London, 1697.
Card ID: 196