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HYLTON Walter a:a walter|k:a (walter) (6)
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HYLTON, Walter
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Author: HYLTON (Walter)
PNF HYLTON (Walter). The Goad of love: an unpublished translation [by W.Hyltonj of the Stimulus amoris [by James of Milan], formerly attributed to St. Bonaventura. Now edited from manuscripts by C.Kirchberger. London, 1952. See JACOBUS, Mediolanensis.
Card ID: 509
Ls4 ftv HYLTON (Walter). An Edition, from the manuscripts, of Book II. of Walter Hilton’s Scale of perfection. By S • S .Husey. [Zawrel flb3 ib%phy .- Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1962.] (3) + cxxxlv. + 426 leaves. 40 1962.
Card ID: 510
Author: No Author available
DPOSITOflV. HYLTON (Walter). An.Expcit1On of Cni habitat and onurn st in g1ish. [A Middle English cotr.iientary on Psalms 90 and 91, .with the Latin text and a tAiddie nglish traniation. Ascribed to Walter Hylton. I Edited.. . by B.Va1!.ner. Lund ar1d Copehan, 1954. See BIBLE. Psalms. [PolRlott.]
Card ID: 508
\\j (p’c..) HtTON (Walter). A Commentary on the ‘Bénedictus’ ILuke 1, 68—79. Sometimes ascribed to Walter Hylton. With the text in latin and Middle English]. Edited from the two extant Middle English manuscripts [Iambeth MS. *.72 and a ianuscript in Newcastle-uponTyne Reference Library), with introduction, notes and glossary, by )3.Wallner. Lund, 1957. BIBLE. Luke. Selections. kajn and lIsh.
Card ID: 507
BIBLE. Psalms. [Poiygjott.J - .An Expo sit i.on of Qui habitat and. Bonuni e st in English. fA Middle English comtnentary on Psalms 90 and 91, viith the tatin text and a Middle iglish translation. Ascribed to Walter Hylton.) Edited from the mania— scripts, with introduction, notes and glossarr, by B.Wallner. [with a bibliography.] (Lund Studies in_lish 23.) pp. lxxii. + 121. Fac5irnile. 8°. Lund and enhgen, 1954.
Card ID: 198
PN (.-.:) WALLNER (BjLrn). BIBLE. Luke. Selections. Laiin and English. A Commentary on the ‘Benedictus’ ILuke 1, 68-79. Sometimes ascribed to Walter Hylton. With the text in Latin and Middle English). Edited from the two extant. Middle English manuscripts [Lambeth MS. 1.72 and a manuscript in Newoastle—upon—Tyne Reference Library], with introduction, notes and glossary by B.Wallner. Lund, 1957.
Card ID: 288