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HYDE, Edward
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Author: HYDE (Edward)
HYDE (Edward), 1st Earl of Clarendon. [For ‘The private correspondence.. .bebween Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards iarl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne included in editions of Evelyn’s Memoirs:] EVElYN (John), FR. S. [Diary.)
Card ID: 384
r’qo OL HYDE (Edward), !t.Ear.l of Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion, ç. [Continued.] —Clarendon and VThitloàk compar-’d. To which is...added, a comparison between the History of the Rebellion and other histories of the Civi] War, proving...that the editors of the Lord Clarendon’s History have hardly left one fact, or one character: on the Parliament side fairly represented; that the characters are all satire, or panegyrick...By the author of the Critical history of England, &c. [John Oldmixon]. pp. xxxix. + 544 + 18). 8°. London, 1727.
Card ID: 367
Author: No Author available
.“‘ N.1 VO OLDMIXON (John), [isce11aneous Writer. LcL Clarendon and ?Thitlock coinpar’d. To which is... added, a comparison between the History of the Rebellion and other histories of the Civil War...By the author of theOrItical history of ng1and, &c. [J.Oldinixon). London, 1727. HYDE (Edward), 1 st’ ar fc1arendon. The History of the Rebellion,
Card ID: 45
2LI”.G _i]çt “.7Ei!CE OiLY EVELYN (John), icn.s. [Diary.] Memoirs, illustrative of the life and writings of John Evelyn...Comprising his diary...and a selection of his...letters. To which is subjoined the private correspondence between King Charles I. and...Sir Edward Nicholas... also between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne...The v:hol€ now first published from the original MSS... Edited by Vi. Bray. 2 vols. Portraits, plates and Io] ed table. 0 4 . London, 1818. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 256