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HUTTON Edward a:e |k:on (e) (6)
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HUTTON, Edward
Author: HUTTON (Edward)
DEPOSITORy HUTTON (Edward). The Cities ot Romagna and the Marches, etc. pp. xix. + 309. Portraits, plates and end-paper ma. °. London, 1913.
Card ID: 298
HUTTON (Edward). Some aspects of tfie genius of Giovanni Boccaccio, Londot, [1922j. LONDON. [Ill. Isce1ianeou Iistitutions, Societies, Brit,sh Acadej for the Pro:oiq_of Historical, Phi1oophIct1 and Phiioiojca1 3tudiç. Annu1 Italian Lecture of the British Acadeciy. 1922.
Card ID: 311
HUTTON (Edward). ics HBILEY (William E.), The Tudor translations, . 41-44. The Decameron, preserved to posterity by Giovanni Boceaoeio...7ith an introduetion by E.Hutton. London, 1909. a
Card ID: 316
HUTTON (Edward). Pal $ee PALGRAV (F • T.) Faigrave’s Golden reasury. [With an introduction by E Hutton.] London, [l92.)
Card ID: 318
[3 01 2 HUTTON (Edward). See R11ODES (Dennis E.) The 1r1tings of Edward ‘Hutton: a bibliographical tribute compiled and present.ed to Edward Hutton on his eightieth birthday1, etc. London,. 1955.
Card ID: 319
STEfUNG L1ERARY t L2[o rcsc-o (re” REFERENCE ONLY lq2tj HUTTON (Edward). See THEOCRflUS. [English.] Theocritos: the complete poems. Translated by J.Lindsay...With an introduction by E.Hutton. ?anfrolico Press: London,. [1929].
Card ID: 322