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HUTCHES Alexander MacGregor a:smith alexander|k:smith (alexander) (1)
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HUTCHES, Alexander MacGregor
Author: HUTCHES (Alexander MacGregor)
folio53 UDY3es Hut HUTCHES (Alexander MacGregor). Scotland and oil.([By various authors under the auspices of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.] A.!4acGregor Hutcheson [and] Hance D. Smith, editors.) (yi Scottish Geographical Society. Teachers’ Bulletin, 5.) pp.11k. Maps and diagra. (Aberdeen], 1973. Second edition. (Edited by A. MacGregor Hutcheson and Alexander Hogg. Cartography by H. S,nith and K. Ward.) pp.127. Maps and diagra. Edinburgh and New York, 1975.
Card ID: 8