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HUSSEY Christopher Edward Clive (2)
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HUSSEY, Christopher Edward Clive
Author: HUSSEY (Christopher Edward Clive)
HUSSEY (Christopher Edward Clive). Eton College...With a preface by M.P.James. (Special Etonian edition.) pp. xi. - 5 + (2) + O)o1ates. fol.i 8nd New York, 1922. 4-N.L - -. (Four:th editiin.) ‘‘ith an coimt of tO Oppidan Etoh.i4. 164. Plates. fol. Lonpn and New Yo:, 1952 The iat arc included in the piticn.
Card ID: 578
HUSSEY (Christopher Edward Clive). King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, and the College buildings. pp.39. I1:.ustrtjnns and_Dlan. fol. Iondon, 1926.
Card ID: 579