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HURD Richard a:in william|k:it (william) (3)
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HURD, Richard
HURD, Bichard
WHIBLEY, Leonard
Author: HURD (Richard)
criL, HURD (Richard), successively Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and of vrorc ester. See WARBURTON (William), Bishop of Gloucester. Letters from a late eminent prelate (W.Warburton) to one of his friends [Bishop Hurd, Edited by Bishop Hurd.J The second edition. London, 1809.
Card ID: 325
Author: HURD (Bichard)
N’L -1 HURD (Bichard), succesively Bisho of LJ.chfield and Coventry, and of Wotcester. The Correspondence of Richard Hurd & William Mason, and letters of Richard Hurd to Thomas Gray. Vith introduction & notes by...E.H. Pearce. Edited with additional notes by L. Whibley. pp. xxxi. + 178 + (2). Portraits. 8°. bride, 1932.
Card ID: 312
Author: WHIBLEY (Leonard)
WHIBLEY (Leonard). FIURD (Richard), sucessive1y Bishop of Lichfleld V - and and of Woreest The Correspondence of Richard Hurd & William Mason. . .Ylith introduction & notes by...E.H. Pearce. Edited with additional notes by L. ‘Nhibley. Cambrid 1932.
Card ID: 44