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HUNTER Sir William Wilson a:is william|k:it (william) (5)
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HUNTER, Sir William Wilson
R, Sir William Wilson
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Author: HUNTER (Sir William Wilson)
OH? Hun HUNTER (Sir William Wilson). The India of the Queen and other easays... Edited by Lady Hunter. With en introduction by F.H.Skrine. pp. xviii. ÷ 276. Tables. 8. London, 1903.
Card ID: 156
HUNTER (Sir William Wilson). JACKSON (A.v.w.) History of India, etc. Vol. 6. From the first Euro;ean settlements to the founding of the English East India Company. By SIr W.W.Huriter. (vol. 7. The European struggle for Indian supremacy in the seventeenth century. By Sir W.W.t-iuriter.) London, 1906—07.
Card ID: 164
DEPOSITOR? HUNTER (Sir William Wilson). The Annals of rural Bengal. 3 vole. PlateeL illustrations, facsimile, plan, tablee and folded map. 8. London lEdinburgh printed], 1868—72, 1. The Ethnical frontier of Lower Bengal with the ancient principalities of Beerxn and Bisbenpore. 1868. 2—3. Orissa. 1872.
Card ID: 150
Author: R (Sir William Wilson)
llUNT’R (Sir William Wilson). Anci3rt olvitisation and mejern eIucation.— Indi3. infra HUNTER (jW. W.) State education for th people. pp.1—24. London, 1RQO.
Card ID: 149
Author: No Author available
6&.k at HUNTER (Sir William Wilson). A Comparative dictionary of the languages of India and High Asia. dith a dissertation. Based on the Hodgson lists, official records, and MSS. [With prefaces and alphabetical indices in £nglish, French, ‘erman, Rusajaji and Lt.tin.i pp. (ia) + 218 + (6). fol. london, 1868. Another copy. /2 (S
Card ID: 153