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HUNT, Thomas
HUNT, ?Jiiam, Vicar of Ccnrcbu and PCCLE eginald Lane
No Author available
Author: HUNT (Thomas)
STERIJNG LIBRARy REFERcE ONLY HUNT (Thomas), Lawyer. DRYDEN (John), [Dramatic Works.— Single Works.] The Duke of Guise, [Continued.] —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Noiy-Leue, and ‘he nglish League and Covenant, turn’d into a seditious li5ell against the King and his Royal Hi’hness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors tT.Shadwell?] of the Reflections upon the pretended parallc in the play called e Duke of Guise. London, 1683.
Card ID: 566
Author: HUNT (?Ji11iam), Vicar of Ccnrcbu and PCCLE eginald Lane)
HUNT (?Ji11iam), Vicar of Ccnrcbu and PCCLE eginald Lane). The Political history of England. Edited by t. Eunt and R.L.Poole. [Volumes in this series are fully cata1oued under their authors.] 1. HODGKIN (Thomas), D.C.L. The History of England from the earliest times to the Norman conquest. 2. ADAMS (George B) The History of England fro° the Norman conquest to the death of John, 1O661 216. SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 592
Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)
STEWIIG LTDTA?L SQ-cI REFRECE ONLY SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. See DRYDEN (John). [Dramatic Works.- Sin.1e Works.] The Duke of Guise, [Continued.) —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Holy—League, and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into’a seditious libell against the King and his Royal Highness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors [T.Shadweil?] of the Reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called The Duke of Guise. London, 1683.
Card ID: 366
Author: DRYDEN (John)
STERLING LTBRAY cs1 Lc’ REFERENCE O?’IIX DRYDEN (John). [Dramatic Works.— Single Works.) The Duke of Guise, c. [Continued.] —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Holy-League, and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into a seditious libell against the King and his Royal Highness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors [T.Shadwell?) of the Reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called The Duke ot Guise. pp. (2) + 60. 4°. London, 1683. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 162
Author: No Author available
N.?SB (Thomas), Satirist. Have with you. to .3affron—Walden; or, Gabriell Harveys hunt is up: containing a Lull anwere to the eldest sonne of the haitermaker; or, Nashe his confutation of the sinfull doctor. £With an introduction ined: J.P.C., i.e. J. Payne CollierJ pp. ii. + 155. London 1596 [reprinted 18703. See COLLIER (John Payne). LReprints of niscellaneous tracts.] Vol.2.
Card ID: 214