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HUNT, Reid
Author: HUNT (Reid)
HUNT (Reid). The Etfeots of a number of derivatives of oholino and analogous oonounds on the blood—pressure. By R..Hurit. anØ R. deM. Taveau. Wa hi ton, 1911. £e TJNITET) STAT’S OF AW”RICA Departmints of Strite and Official Bodies. +reasury Deprtnent. Pibic Health. .nd Maxine flospital êervioe. HyglefliO Laboratory. fDullAtiñ Nó 73.]
Card ID: 535
HUNT (Reid). The Ef’feots of a restrioted diet pnd of various diets ipon the resistanoe of animals to oertain poisons. Washington, 1910. UNITED SThTES CF AMI CA. Treaeu Department. - Pub]io Health’ and Mar e4rospita1 Servioe. - Hyieiio Laboratory. fBufletin no. 6.1
Card ID: 536