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HUGO Victor 1arie a:e hugo|k:on (e) (4)
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HUGO, Victor arie
Author: HUGO (Victor 1arie)
OtPOSITORY - HUGO (Victor 1arie), Viscount. Choses vues. (Premiere srie. Ocan.) (Oeuvres osthurnes de Victor. Hugo. .dit1o e varietur. pp. 283. 80 pj [192.j The words ‘Premiere 4rie’ occur on the wrapper only.
Card ID: 410
_m oEPOIcJ’ HUGO (Victor 1arie), Viscount. Odes et b11ades (Oeuvres completes de Victor Hugo. Edition ne variettr.) pp. 22. 8°. Paris, [1925?]
Card ID: 448
XT’ HUGO (Victor 1arie), Viscount. Les Oriontales. (&ition. d4finitive d’après 1esrnanuscrits originaux.) uvres Compites de Victor Hujzo,J pp. 272. 8°. Par5, 1890.
Card ID: 449
poSrrORY’ HUGO (Victor 1arie), Viscount. ‘Victor Hugo racont ar un tmoin de sa vie [i.e. i:adwne dugoJ. . . Oeuvres de in premiere jeunesse [including a drama in three acts entitled: Inez de Castroj. (Oeuvrescornpiètes do Victor Mu. .dition ne varjetu.r.) 3 vols. 8. Paris, L1927J
Card ID: 470